I thought I would start a four part series on the basics of harness training for goats.  Goats are exceptionally smart and take to training with ease ( for the most part..........there are a few exceptions ).  The very first step to training a goat to work in harness is teaching them to lead easily on a halter. A harness goat needs to walk easily and stop easily while in a halter. I know this might sound a bit basic or simple but it is extremely important. 

Teaching a goat to wear and except a halter is not always as simple as it might sound. Start by bonding with your goat . This can be accomplished by just spending time with them , brush them , or just walk out in the pasture with them.  Spending time with your goat will develop a bond ( friendship) . Contrary to what some other goat people say, it is possible to bond with an older goat  you don't need to raise them from a bottle baby. When you and your goat become familar with each other and develop a bond , put a halter on the goat. Maybe start by letting them wear the halter while you brush them or are with them in the pasture. Never leave a halter on a unaccompanied goat, it can strangle them or choke them! 

Once the goat is comfortable wearing the halter start walking them with a lead rope attached to the halter. The goat may resist moving forward at first but with time and patience they will start to move easily with the halter. The best training tool is patience , and always try to end a training session on a good note.

Next time we will discuss teaching a harness goat driving commands and wearing a harness.