Here on the west coast it has been horrible ! We are in the grip of a massive heat wave. Yesterday we broke records that dated back to 1936. It has been awful and very devasting. Currently we only have a small herd of five elderly goats and two elderly mini horses and two elderly dogs. The heat can be very difficult for elderly animals. We have had to make big changes to keep everyone cool. Of course we do not have air conditioning because being only a few miles from the Pacific Ocean we usually get natures air conditioning ( fog) but not this year.  

We take the goats and horses out early in the morning and keep them in the barn in the afternoons. This seems to be working and keeping them cooler. We let them out of their stalls and allow them to run around in the aisle way to get a little bit of exercise. Someday I wish to have an enclosed area for them to play when it rains or like now the extreme heat but as I said that is on a wish list and we all know how long things sit on a wish list. Hopefully the temperature will go down in the near future and we can go back to normal ( hopefully).

Stay cool !