We  are having horrible heat right now in our part of the world.  I personally hate the heat but in eighteen years of raising goats  I have learned  a few tricks for keeping them cool in the hot weather.  When we are going to have heat we try to start early in the morning with their activities.  I take them out in the early mornings  and late in the evening to avoid the scorching sun.  Also I cut back on their hay slightly because eating hay tends to warm them up so I feed smaller amounts in the heat. We do not make the goats work ( pack or harness ) in the

extreme heat. If it is going to be hot we let them rest and resume work when the weather is comfortable. The rule of thumb we use is " if the weather is uncomfortable for us then it is uncomfortable for the goats and horses". 

The picture I have enclosed with this blog post is a picture of some of our goats laying on their favorite spot in the summer , we call this the "goat beach". They do enjoy laying in the sun !